This LTT was carried out in Norway. Teachers from all partners joined the mobility, as well as administrative staff, teachers, and students from the local partner. The topic of this LTT was “Digitalization and Education Technologies”.
Content and Methodology:
Day :1 After a warm welcome from the headmaster and teachers at the school, all project participants took part in an ice-breaking activity to get to know each other better. The Erasmus+ team had a tour around the school led by the coordinator. During this tour, teachers had the chance to visit various ateliers and talk to the teachers/students.
Day 2: The Polish partner presented information about “DigCompEdu”, and the Norwegian partner presented information about “DigCompOrg”. After the presentations, participants evaluated their situations and shared their opinions. Participants also visited the VR-Google lab to discover digital possibilities in a digital classroom. All participants took part in “Creativity with 3D printing” and “CNC-Programming/Production” workshops and prepared some products.
Day 3: All participants visited a related organization named Modalen Kommune, which creates software, and had a joint meeting with the administrator of the company. A presentation about software (Uni Micro AS) was carried out by the administrator, and participants exchanged their opinions. All participants also visited historical/natural places (Fjords) to be aware of European cultural heritage.
Day 4: The Norwegian partner presented information about “a classroom without formal assessment”. After the presentation, all participants took part in a “Student administration in digital systems” workshop. All participants also took part in “Health education technology in Digital Age” and “Sensory Garden, to feel, touch and smell, training for challenged students” demonstration activities that were prepared by the host school, and shared their opinions. After the activities, participants visited “Norway’s Fishery Museum” and Store Bla (Big Blue) to observe digital solutions in local businesses.
Day 5: All participants visited VilVite (Knowledge festival at technology and teaching center) and had a joint Digital Tour of Bergen. Participants discussed dissemination and sustainability activities, and team leaders prepared a participants list and wrote the LTT Report of mobility. The coordinator organization organized a Certificate Ceremony with attendance of all teams.
Results: Participants
- Obtained information about skills that teachers/organizations should have in the digital age via DigCompEdu and DigCompOrg
- Increased group study and social skills
- Increased digital skills and obtained information about using ICT in different fields and alternative ways of teaching
- Obtained information about programming 3D printers and CNC
- Observed and compared educational institutions in the hosting country.
Overall, the 3rd LTT activity of our project was successfully completed. During the five days, participants successfully implemented all activities.